Smart villages and rural services

For smaller settlements, the definition of a smart city is not applicable in the same way as for large cities. Injecting IoT and BiG DATA analysis or “smartening” the settlement doesn’t solve everything. Another more complex and more sensitive...

Brownfield zones as opportunity zones_Part 3 – Open questions

With the development of brownfield and rust areas, tens of thousands of homes could be built, serving the housing needs up to decades in advance. It is an excellent idea to rehabilitate and utilize these areas – but the main question is what role local...

Brownfield zones as opportunity zones_Part 1

In Hungary, a law will be amended by the end of September to allow abandoned industrial areas to be renewed by encouraging market participants. The government would provide 5 percent VAT and simplified, expedited administration, with special action area status for all...

Urbanist 4.0 – Using Big Data in urban design_ part_two

Digitalization has a fundamental impact on cities and what happens with urban development. This is based on the data generated mostly in cities, whether produced by the city itself (real-time data via digital systems) or by city dwellers themselves through their...