Things we searched and read.
Powering Up Smart Cities Around The World
“When we talk about Smart Cities, topics such as ICT, big data and Internet of Things often spring to mind, and rightfully so. However, the scope of Smart Cities reaches far beyond software, hardware and data.”
#smartcity #forbes #dashcoar
Mayor of London Launches Housing Design App to Transform Construction
In order to assist the city of London and encourage constructions after Covid-19, London have launched a new version of the housing design app PRiSM. Using the latest digital technology and data to help design and build manufactured homes, the freely available application will allow users to share expertise and use technology to transform the design process and get the city building the homes Londoners need.
#webuildwithdata #dashcoar
#covid19 #london #application
Can Planting Trees Make a City More Equitable?
Cities across the U.S. are pledging to plant trees and restore urban forests to combat climate change and cool off disadvantaged communities. (citylab)
#climatechange #citylab #dashcoar
The Pudding – Visual Essays with interactivity
- The Pudding explains ideas debated in culture with visual essays. By wielding original datasets, primary research, and interactivity, we try to thoroughly explore complex topics.
Histogram – The Ultimate Guide of Binning
Histograms are column-shaped charts, in which each column represents a range of the values, and the height of a column corresponds to how many values are in that range.
Histograms are the most useful tools to say something about a bouquet of numeric values. Compared to other summarizing methods, histograms have the richest descriptive power while being the fastest way to interpret data – the human brain prefers visual perception.
A blueprint for business to transition to a nature-positive future
- The COVID-19 crisis shows that nature-related business risks are intensifying.
- A new World Economic Forum report, The Future of Nature and Business, provides a blueprint for business action to safeguard nature.
- 15 nature-positive transitions by businesses could generate $10.1 trillion and 395 million jobs.
Flying-taxi startup Lilium reveals design for urban vertiports
“German aerial-taxi company Lilium has unveiled its design guidelines for modular vertiports that could be placed on top of office blocks, car parks or shopping centres.
Lilium, which has developed a five-seater jet-powered electric air taxi, created the design guidelines as part of its plan to launch an all-electric air taxi service in multiple cities around the world by 2025.”
All Hail the Extinction of the CAD Monkey
“Common wisdom holds that design work is impervious to automation because software can’t learn creativity, but that’s only partly true. Practical, repetitive tasks inherent in a design project are not only ripe for automation, but in many cases have already been ceded to artificial intelligence (AI). For young architects, this means a majority of the “CAD Monkey” work that has traditionally shaped early careers is about to become unnecessary.”
If this makes you anxious, breathe easy — there’s some good news.
The Dying Mall’s New Lease on Life: Apartments
A new direction in housing.
“As the pandemic hastens the retail apocalypse, some developers are betting that empty malls can mix housing with stores and community space.”
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata
#housing #workplace #mall #afterpandemic
Technology can be a great ally in the drive for greater inclusion and diversity
“As businesses begin to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, they must seize this unique opportunity to shape the workplace of the future by blending new technological tools with human-centric approaches to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion for all.”
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata
#wellbeing #workplace
How can our indsutry build a culture of ingenuity?
“For the 2019/2020 Thornton Tomasetti annual report, we convened a group of specialists in January 2020 to discuss the challenges of ingenuity in AEC — whether it’s in short supply, how it works, and how to cultivate it. While the discussion predated the novel coronavirus outbreak, some of the themes bear relevance as we all look for ingenious ways to manage and accelerate our industry’s recovery. Here is an unabridged version of their discussion.”
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata
Approach Your Data with a Product Mindset
“In most cases, the tech isn’t the problem. Many organizations’ failure to adapt to a highly digitized business landscape stems from their inability to convince employees to embrace data-driven decision-making. A NewVantage Partners survey found that 48% of executives cite “people challenges” as the foremost barrier to being more data-driven as an organization, compared to just 19% who cite “technology.”
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata #hbr
Your Organization Needs a Proprietary Data Strategy
“The need for proprietary data strategies is increasing with new data types and the growth of artificial intelligence (AI). There are many new types of data emerging across industries — sensor data, mobile data, new types of payment data, and more. Most commercial AI involves machine learning, and if your company has the same data as everyone else, it will end up with the same models informing these machines, too — and thus no competitive advantage. Organizations need to think about their proprietary data strategy and put it into action now.”
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata #hbr
‘Cities have been invaded by cars. Now they are being liberated’ - Jan Gehl
Due to the continuous improvement of the city infrastructure and the living conditions urbanization processes focus more on the topic of sustainability, livability, and healthy environment. In bigger cities the disadvantages of urbanization and negative impacts on the natural environment and on society are clearly perceivable. The living space and the quality of environment in cities are gradually deteriorating due to noise, congestion, air pollution, the increased individual modes of transport and reduced green space.
According to Jan Gehl, professor of Urban Design at the School of Architecture in Copenhagen and author of Cities for People, that realization came around the turn of the 21st century. “Motor-orientated city planning had gone on long enough for people to be sick and tired of the outcome,” he says. “Then came the climate challenge.”
#jangehl #urbanplanning #mobility #livablecities #greenspace
#greenmobility #dashcoar
The Power of Parks in a Pandemic
Due to the continuous improvement of the city infrastructure and the living conditions urbanization processes focus more on the topic of sustainability, livability, and healthy environment. In bigger cities the disadvantages of urbanisation and negative impacts on the natural environment and on society are clearly perceivable. The living space and the quality of environment in cities are gradually deteriorating due to noise, congestion, air pollution, the increased individual modes of transport and reduced green space.
But in a pandemic – for city residents equitable acces is more than a coronavirus-era amenity. It’s critical for a physical, emotional, and mental health.
#coronavirus #urbanplanning
#history #shapedcities
The Post-Pandemic Urban Future Is Already Here
“The coronavirus crisis stands to dramatically reshape cities all around the world. But the biggest revolutions in urban space may have begun before the pandemic.”
There are valid reasons to look back at historic crises as moments for dramatic urban change.
The world is about to change.
For example: one of the early, high-impact urban data visualizations comes from John Snow, who examined the spread of cholera in London in 1854. He realized the connection between poor quality drinking water and the epidemic when he mapped and logically organized where those who died of the disease lived. The mortality point map was dry and not spectacular in terms of displaying, but it was extremely purposeful, revealing a new context that, in support of its argument, led to the closure of the infected well and a significant reduction in the epidemic.
Spatial data graphics containing map features are still common in cities.
#coronavirus #urbanplanning
#history #shapedcities
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata
Cities Should Take Advantage of Low Car Traffic to Accelerate Transit Construction
“Drivers are staying off the road at unprecedented rates in America, like in the rest of the world, and the air is suddenly clean and clear. Streets, suddenly flushed of car congestion, allow new space for pedestrians and biking. Beverly Hills, however, is the first city in the United States to recognize the opportunity to accelerate construction, on a regional subway project, while drivers are leaving their cars parked.”
#innovation #coronavirus #dashcoar
9 Future Predictions For A Post-Coronavirus World
As the ripple of COVID-19 careens around the globe, it’s forcing humankind to innovate and change the way we work and live. Here are nine predictions of what our world may look like once we have left the pandemic behind.
COVID-19 might be taxing our systems and patience, but it’s also building our resilience and allowing us to develop and create new and innovative solutions out of necessity. We have to slow down and think about our systems functionality, with looking in different directions: education, community, livability, efficiency, evolution and innovation. What do you see in the future?
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata
#forbes #innovation #bigdata #afterthecoronavirus
Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus
“Humankind is now facing a global crisis. Perhaps the biggest crisis of our generation. The decisions people and governments take in the next few weeks will probably shape the world for years to come. They will shape not just our healthcare systems but also our economy, politics and culture. We must act quickly and decisively. We should also take into account the long-term consequences of our actions. When choosing between alternatives, we should ask ourselves not only how to overcome the immediate threat, but also what kind of world we will inhabit once the storm passes. Yes, the storm will pass, humankind will survive, most of us will still be alive — but we will inhabit a different world.”
(excerpt from the article)
#harari #besafe #stayhome #worldaftercoronavirus #dashcoar
How cities around the world are handling COVID-19 - and why we need to measure their preparedness
When it comes to infectious disease outbreaks, cities are dual-edged. To be sure, cities are a big part of the problem. They intensify the spread and transmission of infectious disease through increased human contact. Today, roughly 4 billion people live in cities, more than half of the world’s population. According to some analysts, around 600 cities generate two thirds of global GDP. Precisely because they are hubs for transnational commerce and mobility, densely populated and hyper-connected cities can amplify pandemic risk.
It is not just ‘global cities’ that are a risk of SARS, H1N1 or COVID-19, but also secondary cities and other urban hubs as well. Scholars have found that pandemics often emerge from the edge of cities. Viral outbreaks are frequently incubated and transmitted via peri-urban communities and transportation corridors at the outskirts of cities before they spread into the downtown core. It is not just cities, but also their local and global supply chains, travel networks, airports and specific neighborhoods that are sources of contagion.
#stayhome #besafe #takecare #dashcoar #webuildwithdata
We are being versatile!
How being versatile can save your career from mundanity
Even when you’re an expert you’re still not good enough in today’s competitive market. Shane Cubis explores the art of getting ahead by using your secret weapon: versatility.
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata
Humane leadership must be the Fourth Industrial Revolution's real innovation
Do we need a new type of leadership for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)? We have heard it many times: the 4IR is not only here to stay, but is moving faster than we thought. The real question is whether leadership is also adapting to this new business environment.
#industrialrevolution #dashcoar #webuildwithdata #constructionindustry #datascience
Which countries have the most doctoral graduates?
Do you hold a doctorate? If the answer is yes, you’re among a small but increasing proportion of adults to have earned the highest degree awarded in academia.
Traditionally, a Ph.D. involves three to four years of full-time study in which the student completes a substantial piece of original research presented as a thesis or dissertation in a chosen field.
Two of our founding members hold a doctorate and had research on their scientific area.
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata #constructionindustry #datascience # phd #doctorate #research #dshcr
Data-analytics is a key value for high performers shadow board members
A lot of companies struggle with two apparently unrelated problems: disengaged younger workers and a weak response to changing market conditions. A few companies have tackled both problems at the same time by creating a “shadow board” — a group of non-executive employees that works with senior executives on strategic initiatives. The purpose? To leverage the younger groups’ insights and to diversify the perspectives that executives are exposed to.
The life and age of data strategies - KÜRT MEETUP
Why is it good for a 21st-century manager to speak the language of data? What do you miss if you don’t? What does data-driven decision-making mean? What forms do you take in design and operation?
Our CEO, Gabor Toldy, is giving a pitch about his experience in the field of the construction industry.
19:00 – 21:00, Thursday, February 20.
CEU: 1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 15.
#dashcoar #webuildwithdata #constructionindustry #datascience
The future of work in America: People and places, today and tomorrow
The US labor market looks markedly different today than it did two decades ago. It has been reshaped by dramatic events like the Great Recession but also by a quieter ongoing evolution in the mix and location of jobs. In the decade ahead, the next wave of automation technologies may accelerate the pace of change. Millions of jobs could be phased out even as new ones are created. More broadly, the day-to-day nature of work could change for nearly everyone as intelligent machines become fixtures in the American workplace.
Celebrating 150 years of NATURE
A scientific paper today is inspired by more disciplines than ever before, shows a new analysis marking the journal’s 150th anniversary.
Congratulations for team Barabási.
They explored more than 88,637 Nature articles in the data set and traced the conceptual journeys to each paper by identifying the inspiration for articles by their references.
The whole article :
More info about Barabási Albert László:
Our team is visiting the conference of Smart City Expo, which held every year in Barcelona.
November 19-21, 2019
Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 aims to be the meeting point to encourage all stakeholders, ranging from technology industries through to policy-makers and entrepreneurs, to engage in dynamic action to enable a sustainable and inclusive future to take hold.
12.MIN IGNITE TALKS - How to execute unique buildings around the world?
Our CEO, Gabor Toldy is giving a 12 min pitch about his work in Baumetall Design, next week.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hubhub, Budapest, Király street 26.
How is it possible to deliver a horse or a bird shaped building cladded with metal? A twisted museum as bridge standing in a valley of Norway. Advanced CAD usage, team work, travel, and different culture to adapt.
Dr. Gabor Toldy, Doctorate in Architecture, Engineer-Economist, Data-Scientist. How these very different fields coming together? Why?
Can CEE’s entrepreneurial centres scale from hubs to full-grown ecosystems?
CEE’s technology talent and start-up ambition is well-documented and highly sought-after by multinationals. However, its ability to transcend into a world-class ecosystem with access to finance and numerous local business heroes of its own is yet to be proven.
What Does This Street In Zürich Mean?
Above is a picture of a pretty typical city street in Zürich, Switzerland.
What do you see?
In some ways, this scene represents a kind of Rorschach Test for transportation and urban planning. If you are a passenger on a tram riding on one of the two sets of rails that take up most of the street, this scene represents freedom of movement and a sense that transit is privileged in Zürich. If you’re a pedestrian, this is a relatively comfortable street to be on, with useful services, restaurants, and a few interesting stores (check out the model train store at the corner with Haldenbachstrasse). If you’re on a bike, this, like most other streets in Zürich, is OK, but not great.
Congratulations for Shapr3D
Based in Budapest, Shapr3D will use this investment to open new offices in Europe, create new distribution channels, and grow its team to 100 people. Specifically the company hopes to hire a VP of marketing.
A case study in digital fabrication
This case study will present the UTS Central project as an exemplar of how an architect’s design intent can be maintained through the use of material-specific design solutions, parametric modelling and digital fabrication. The project is a striking 17-storey, glass-encased building which forms the final project of the University of Sydney’s (UTS) City Campus Master Plan. Parametrically derived via a set of rules, the sun shading system regulates solar access into the library’s reading room and is manufactured primarily from folded aluminum components. Each of 108 unique bays consists of a louvre, 64 of which are operable, with fixed cladding either side.
VU.CITY - LDNC Climate Action
It's LDNClimateAction Week! London aims to be a 0 carbon city by 2050. With initiatives from electrics transport to sustainable building material we look forward to one-day showing our air pollution data go green. Register to attend 👉
Now! VU.CITY has launched an accurate, accessible and interactive 3D platform in London. It will help everyone involved in delivering buildings and infrastructure make faster, more informed decisions, helping create a better future for all.
Plastic free July is a global movement that helps millions of people to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. So we have cleaner streets, and better environment. The questions are: which sectors have the highest impact on plastic waste management? What is the ratio of the selective waste management in the Hungarian settlements? The fact is: 15% of the settlements are mismanaging the waste, therefor no valid data is available. Only 5% of the Hungarian settlements has a higher selective/total waste ratio than 50%. Generally this ratio is below 10%. You can check this in detail in the following link.