Digitalization has a fundamental impact on cities and what happens with urban development. This is based on the data generated mostly in cities, whether produced by the city itself (real-time data via digital systems) or by city dwellers themselves through their communications (social media, telecommunication), consumption, and activities; together, they make up the city’s data ecosystem.
Using Big Data creates tremendous opportunities for urban designers and planners. Today, the use of data in planning is not new. Still, the amount and diversity of data today produced by satellite images, drones, mobile phones, through social media interfaces, and sensors strengthens and diversifies the possibilities of fact-based spatial planning. We can study people’s behavior in urban areas by examining social media and mobile cell data, from which we can easily obtain information on the use of public spaces. It can also provide development directions for infrastructure, built environment, resource management, and public transport. Moreover, data generated by the municipality and city dwellers can be used to create dashboards, visualizations, KPI systems (indicators) – hence a decision support tool.
Urban planners have long taken advantage of the use of various information technologies, such as GIS. But in this new context of data use, it is time to rethink the design methods of urbanists and architects so that the potential of data analysis can be used throughout the planning process.
It is important to emphasize that an architect or urban planner is not expected to be a data analyst at the same time. Still, data-based decisions must be made in mixed design groups – working with experts from different fields (architect, spatial data analyst, urban planner). Slowly, the capabilities provided by Big Data and AI need to be integrated into the design processes. Data analysis should be seen as an additional technique – modernization of the profession – not an obstacle.
How do cities and urbanists benefit from this?
For cities to have real development, local governments need to work with industry, entrepreneurs, urbanists and researchers. This cooperation can lead to a more sustainable, smart and livable city. This partnership in this field is highly needed as the rapid technological changes will keep challenging the responsiveness and flexibility of current urban city models.
Check out one of our older posts related to this:
The Role of DASHCOAR – what can we offer you?
We manage and analyze urban statistical and spatial data, including data visualization and dashboard design, to support decision-making processes for making livable and sustainable cities.
We are consulting with construction, and architecture firms to help them apply the right innovative solutions in their daily progress by analyzing their generated DATA for a more efficient and satisfying work environment. We facilitate the building and strengthening of mutually beneficial relations between the municipal and the business sector. Use Big Data analysis to become a part of the digital transformation with us!
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